ClickBank Products: 16   |   Last updated on Friday, 07/26
ultraman88 1.83 -0.16
1minweight 0.00 +0.00
ezpayjobs 0.00 +0.00
geniusbr 501.19 +0.16
prodentim 211.85 +3.55
attractbr 208.71 -0.63
tedsplans 129.21 +3.66

ClickBank Ads

Place ClickBank Marketplace product ads on your website in minutes. The adcode is free with your non-expired CBengine pro edition subscription. It will also work during your 7-day demo period.

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Ad Code - Copy and paste into your website

Setting Description Example  
cbengine_user Your cbengine Site Key cbengine  
cbengine_cbid Your clickbank affiliate ID cbengine  
cbengine_cat marketplace category b2b.promotion  
cbengine_kw optional search keyword google  
cbengine_ad_target optional link target _top  
cbengine_tracking ClickBank Hoplink Tracking Id(TID) XXXXXXXX  more info here

In order to receive the hoplink credit with your ClickBank affiliate ID, you must be a registered cbengine pro member. Your ClickBank affiliate ID will also work during the 15 day demo period. If the this setting is left blank, your default "ClickBank ID" listed in the cbengine "ClickBank Nickname Manager" will be used for the hoplink.

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