Main » Spirituality, New Age & Alternative Beliefs

  1. Happiness Killer Quiz) Quiz based funnel makes people happy and you'll be happy with the commissions! Full funnel, 75% commissions. It's a perfect time to mail. Great for personal development / self-help, spirituality / new age or any other niche where people want to be happy.)
  2. Money Bracelet) 50% Commissions throughout ENTIRE funnel! Send an email to test out now.)
  3. Rebirth Academy) Brand New Premium Video Course To Reach Spiritual Enlightenment In 9 Months. Irresistible Hook That Goes Against The Crowd, High-converting Vsl With Video Testimonials And Big Commissions.)
  4. Dr. Joe Vitale's Inner Child Meditation) Bestselling author and Secret movie star Joe Vitale offers a special healing meditation to smooth ALL relationships by working on your Inner Child first. Based on Zero Limits bestseller. Pays 50% commission. Easy money for you.)
  5. The Light Code - Brand New for September 2020!) The Light Code is a set of 10x healing frequency audios that helps raise your vibration to higher levels by using the universe's natural frequency of 432 hertz. Try a test mail and watch the commissions pour in. 75% commissions throughout the funnel!)
  6. Des Livres Solution Spirituelle) Faites la promotion des ebooks-livres spirituels et gagner 60% à chaque vente réalisée. Les outils d'affiliations sont ici:
  7. 11 Days to Manifestation Mastery Program + 5 FREE Bonuses) This is the ultimate law of attraction offer with more than 15 hours of audio seminars, exercises, and hypnosis. Earn 75% on the whole funnel and earn up to $118 per sale. The funnel includes an order bump, upsell, and downsell. 90% commission possible.)
  8. Choose To Believe System) High Conversions. Fast & Easy Money. Use this Belief System if you CAN'T make the Law of Attraction, visualization, affirmations, prayers & other manifestation methods work for you!)
  9. Manifestation Sigil BRAND NEW Sept 2020 Manifestation OFFER) This is a unique offer that combines modern science technology with ancient witchcraft magic to optimize manifestation! Mindfulness, Meditation, Success, Relationships, Law of Attraction, Spirituality, Life Transformation etc. Earn Up To $102++ Per Sale)
  10. Nomad Freedom Academy - Spiritual Business Course Your List Will Love!) The Most Comprehensive Video Course For Turning Your Purpose And Gifts Into A Soulful Online Business That Your Soul And Market Crave. Mid-ticket Product, So More Earning Potential Per Product Sold. Plus You Make A Difference In The World!)
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